BJJ Globetrotters!

Hello War Room Family!

In case you missed the announcement, we have recently become affiliated with BJJ Globetrotters!

They are an international affiliation with over 950 academies all over the world! Why is this awesome?

-As an affiliated member, you can train at ANY of these academies for one week, at minimum, for FREE.

-BJJ Globetrotters has top notch BJJ camps with training, food, friends, parties and tons of fun: Castle camp in Italy, Zen camp in Poland, USA Maine Camp in cabins by a lake, Caribbean Island camp...just to name a few

-Matsurfing: If you're travelling, look up a mat surfer in the area you're going to. You can stay with them and they'll introduce you to their local academy to train.

-Fellow Globetrotters are welcome to train with us when they're visiting Albuquerque which exposes us to new friends and different BJJ styles.

We are truly so excited for this and all of the doors it will open up for you guys. BJJ is about community, and ours just got a lot bigger.

Please check them out on their website and join the Members Facebook Group. If you have any questions, contact Muriel Palanca.


The War Room